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2025 TCA South Texas Scholastic Championship

An in person, 7 round USCF USCF rated chess tournament on the weekend of March 15-16, 2025 for scholastic players in grades K thru 12 who live in Texas. Visit the EVENT WESBITE!

Stillman Middle School
3450 W. Alton Gloor Blvd
Brownsville, TX 78520

Playing Hall: Spacious and comfortable classrooms designated as playing areas for each section.

Skittles Area: A designated space for players to relax, review games, and socialize between rounds.

Concessions: Food and beverages will be available for purchase throughout the event.

Important note:  Players, coaches, and parents should arrive early to allow time for parking and finding the designated areas.

Who is eligible to play:
This event is open ONLY to students attending Texas Schools, including home schoolers residing in Texas
All players in this event must be in 12th grade (or lower).
Eligibility description

All players must have a current USCF ID and your membership (can be purchased/renewed at check out or online with the USCF in advance of registration). Your membership may not expire before March 31, 2025. You can verify your USCF membership ID and expiration by visiting the USCF’s Member Services Area. Anyone can become a USCF member. Players new to tournament chess are welcome to play.

This event offers 9 rated sections: (March 2025 ratings used)
Choose your section based upon your grade level. There is no ‘playing up’. Review the TCA rules for section placement.

  • “Championship” sections are open to all players, including Unrated, with the grades specified.  JV sections are only open to those with established or provisional US Chess ratings below that threshold, including Unrated.
  • Ratings for pairings and section purposes are according to US Chess  Regular over the board ratings, using the US Chess March 2025 Rating Supplement. This event will be US Chess regular rated after it concludes.
  • Students may play only in a Championship or JV section allowed by their grade and rating.
  • If a player does not have an established US Chess rating in the March 2025 Rating Supplement (and is therefore “unrated”), then he/she may play in any section allowed for his/her grade.
  • The tournament staff will have discretion over section placement.

Schedule – 7 rounds
The schedule page can be found online!
All Championship except for K-1 play G/45, d5, All JV sections AND K-1 Championship play G/30, d5

Awards to the top 15 individuals and the top 10 teams in each of the 9 sections.

The top finisher in each Championship section will be named 2025 State Champion for that section!

The top player(s) in all Championships vie for the opportunity to represent Texas in National tournaments!

Registration and information
Register, request or renew a USCF membership (optional if not expired!) and pay online. The entry fees are:
Early Bird:  $53 until March 1st
Standard:  $83 from March 2nd to March 8th
Last Call:  $103 after March 8th, including onsite.

Register via email! (download the official batch registration form and email it in to

Visit the event website for full details. Contact the organizer ( Mr. Louis Leal, 956-698-1000, for with general inquiries.

For general inquiries about the tournament, team rooms, registration, or any other details, please contact us at the information provided above.

We’re here to assist you and ensure you have a smooth and successful experience at this year’s championship. Don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions!

2025 TCA South Texas State Scholastic Championship Online TLA!

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2025 TCA North Texas Scholastic Championship

An in person, 7 round USCF USCF rated chess tournament on the weekend of February 28 – March 2, 2025 for scholastic players in grades K thru 12 who live in Texas.
Register online!

View the Advance Entry List!

The Vista
(formerly Vista Ridge or Music City Mall)
2401 S. Stemmons Freeway
Lewisville, TX 75067

Seating for Parents, Coaches, and Players between rounds:  The Vista is a large mall however tables and chairs are very limited.  You can bring you own chairs such as lawn chairs ect.  There is ample room in mall but seating directly outside the playing hall is prohibited.

Hotel Information:  TownPlace Suites – 731 E. Vista Ridge Mall Drive, Lewisville, TX  75067
Book your group rate for Tarrant County Chess Club

Who is eligible to play:
This event is open ONLY to students attending Texas Schools, including home schoolers residing in Texas
All players in this event must be in 12th grade (or lower).

All players must have a current USCF ID and your membership (can be purchased/renewed at check out or online with the USCF in advance of registration). Your membership may not expire before March 31, 2025. You can verify your USCF membership ID and expiration by visiting the USCF’s Member Services Area. Anyone can become a USCF member. Players new to tournament chess are welcome to play.

This event offers 11 rated sections: (February 2025 ratings used)
Choose your section based upon your grade level. There is no ‘playing up’. Review the TCA rules for section placement.

  • “Championship” sections are open to all players, including Unrated, with the grades specified.  JV and Novice sections are only open to those with established or provisional US Chess ratings below that threshold, including Unrated.
  • Ratings for pairings and section purposes are according to US Chess  Regular over the board ratings, using the US Chess February 2025 Rating Supplement. This event will be US Chess regular rated after it concludes.
  • Students may play only in a Championship or Under section allowed by their grade and rating.  That means that a K or 1st grade student, for example, may play in K-1, K-3 or K-5 sections.  Students in 5th grade or below cannot play in sections higher than a K-5. Students in 6th through 8th grade can only play in 6-8 Section and, likewise, students in 9th through 12 grade can only play in 9-12 sections.
  • If a player does not have an established US Chess rating in the February 2025 Rating Supplement (and is therefore “unrated”), then he/she may play in any section allowed for his/her grade.
  • The tournament staff will have discretion over section placement.

Schedule – 7 rounds
Round 1 – 7pm, Friday, February 28th
Rounds 2, 3,4 & 5 – 9am, 12 pm, 3pm, 6pm, Saturday, March 1st
Rounds  6, & 7 – 9am, 12 pm, Sunday, March 2nd
High School and Middle School Championship G/75;d5, All other sections G/60;d5

Awards to the top 8 individuals and the top 4 teams in each of the 11 sections.

The top finisher in each Championship section will be named 2025 State Champion for that section!

Scholarship money for the top  winner in the High School Championship section.

The top player(s) in all Championships vie for the opportunity to represent Texas in National tournaments!

Registration and information
Register, request or renew a USCF membership (optional if not expired!) and pay online. The entry fee is $45 before February 8th. $52 before February 22nd. $65 before February 27th or $75 onsite.

Visit the event website for the online registration link  and more info. Contact the organizer (, 817-296-4287) for instructions on how to submit group/bulk school entries.

A side – ‘unrated’ event will be offered on Saturday, March 1st. Only students who have NEVER had a USCF membership are eligible to participate in the unrated event.  Unrated Event Website

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2024-25 Texas Scholastic Online Quick Open Chess Championships

USCF rated ONLINE 6 round swiss chess tournament on January 11, 2025, sponsored by the Texas Chess Association. Time control is G/15 with a 2 second increment. The event will be played on

The top Texas player in each section will be recognized as the Texas Champion.

Top 8 individuals and top 3 teams in each section will receive personalized plaques.  Number of plaques awarded may increase based on the number of participants.

Fair Play
US Chess Rating Report will be submitted after the Fair Play review is completed.’s decision is final. Awards will be mailed after this review is complete.

Additional Instructions
Review the event website for information on technical set up, forfeiture rules, Town Hall info schedule, Zoom requirements for Championship sections, penalties, and communication during the event.

11 Sections
High School Championship (Grade 9 – 12)
High School JV (U1000; Grade 9 – 12)
Middle School Championship (Grade 6 – 8)
Middle School JV (U900; Grade 6 – 8)
MIddle School Novice (U600; Grade 6 – 8)
Elementary School Championship (Grade K – 5)
Elementary School JV (U800; Grade K – 5)
Elementary School Novice (U500; Grade K – 5)
Primary School Championship (Grade K – 3)
Primary School JV (U600; Grade K – 3)
K – 1 Championship (Grade Pre-K – 1)

Round Times
10am – 11am – 12noon – 1pm – 2pm – 3pm

Entry Fees
$35 by Midnight Jan 5
$45 by Midnight Jan 8
$55 by 6 PM Central, Jan 10

No entries accepted after 6 PM Central, Jan 10. No exceptions!

No refunds after 1 AM Central, Jan 11.

Up to two 1/2-point byes allowed. Must be requested by 6 PM Central, Friday, Jan 10.

To Register
Visit the event registration link:

After reviewing the entire event website, if you still have questions, please contact David Ortiz at

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2025 AGCA Championship – Spring Edition

The Austin Grandmaster Chess Academy is hosting their Spring Championship Rated Tournament March 21- 23, 2025. USCF Membership required.   Capacity: 92 players!


Austin Grandmaster Chess Academy
12466 Los Indios Trail, Ste 100
Austin, TX 78729
Free parking provided!


SECTION A:  1800 + USCF rated
SECTION B:  1400 – 1799 USCF rated
SECTION C:  1000 – 1399 USCF rated
SECTION D:  U1000 USCF rated
**Players are not allowed to play up or down**

Rating Information

● March 2025 official USCF ratings will be used.
● Unofficial USCF ratings will be used if unrated or to play in a
higher section.
● Players must reveal foreign, FIDE, and other over-the-board
ratings. These ratings will be adjusted, if necessary, and may be
used if they are higher than USCF ratings.

Time Controls and Round Times

5SS, time controls determined by schedule and round

3-day Schedule:
Rounds 1-5: G/90; +30 (90 minutes per player with 30-second increment)

2-day Schedule:
Round 1: G/60; +10 (60 minutes per player with 10-second increment)

All Schedules:
Rounds 2-5: G/90; +30 (90 minutes per player with 30-second increment)

3-day Schedule

●  1st round: Friday, March 21, 7pm

2-day Schedule
●  1st round: Saturday, March 22, 9am

All Schedules
●  2nd round: Saturday, March 22, 1pm
●  3rd round: Saturday, March 22, 6:30pm
●  4th round: Sunday, March 23, 10am
●  5th round: Sunday, March 23, 3:15pm

●  Closing ceremony for any section takes place after the last game finishes for that section.
NOTE: Half-point byes are acceptable for all rounds, limit 1. Must commit before the 1st round.

PLAYERS MAY NOT POSSESS CELL PHONES DURING THE TOURNAMENT. Please leave your phone at home, in your car, or turned off (vibrate/silent not acceptable) on top of your table.  Any violators may be subject to disqualification and forfeiture.

●  Early Bird: $100  by March 9th at 11:59 pm.
●  $120 on or after March 10th (if space is available)
● Re-entry Fee: $40 (from 3-day to 2-day schedule) by 8am, March 22nd. Please, email us at to complete re-entry.
For additional questions, please contact us at
Link for registration:

●  Section A : $1000, $500, $250
●  Section B: $500, $250, $125
●  Section C: $300, $150, $100
●  Section D: $200, $150, $100
Medals will be awarded to the top 3 finishers in each section.

The top 10 places in Section A will earn points according to the following table
1st Place: 25 OQ Points
2nd Place: 18 OQ Points
3rd Place: 15 OQ Points
4th Place: 12 OQ Points
5th Place: 10 OQ Points
6th Place: 8 OQ Points
7th Place: 6 OQ Points
8th Place: 4 OQ Points
9th Place: 2 OQ Points
10th Place: 1 OQ Points

For more information about the point system, visit

CANCELLATION POLICY: If you do not wish to participate in our tournament after paying the entry fee, please email us at no later than 24 hours in advance.  We reserve the right to charge a $20 service fee for cancellations.  NO refunds will be issued if we are notified of cancellation within 24 hours of the start of the event.

WITHDRAWAL POLICY: If you would like to withdraw from the tournament after it begins, please alert the tournament director. 
NO refunds will be issued after the tournament begins. 

NO-SHOW POLICY: There are NO refunds or credit for players who do not show up for their scheduled tournament matches.

Please contact us at for any additional questions or concerns. 

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San Antonio City Championship 2024

Description: This is a USCF rated swiss chess tournament open to all chess players. There will be 5 rounds in total with 2 schedules offered. The two-day schedule will be on June 8-9th, while the three-day schedule will be the 7th, 8th, and 9th. 1/2 point bye available for any round if notified before Round 2 is paired. No last round byes.


La Quinta Inn & Suites by Wyndham 
San Antonio River Walk
303 Blum St
San Antonio, TX 78205

Round times (Two day schedule):
• Registration at 9:00-9:45 am if not done online.
• Rounds 1, 2, & 3 starts promptly on June 8th at 10:00am, 2:00pm, and 6:30pm.
• Rounds 4 & 5 starts promptly on June 9th at 10:00am and 2:30pm.

Time controls (Two day schedule):
• Rounds 1 & 2: G/60;d5
• Rounds 3, 4, & 5: G/90+30 sec.

Round times (Three day schedule): ($30 re-entry Available)
• Registration at 5:00-5:45 pm if not done online.
• Rounds 1 starts promptly on June 7th at 6:00pm.
• Rounds 2, & 3 starts promptly on June 8th at 2:00pm, and 6:30pm.
• Rounds 4 & 5 starts promptly on June 9th at 10:00am and 2:30pm.

Time controls (Three day schedule):
• All Rounds: G/90+30 sec

Entry fee:
Masters play for free if signed up before June 1st. The first 3 GM’s get a free hotel day!

$50 if received before May 1st, $60 June 1st, $70 until the day of the event, and $80 on-site registration and may have to take 1st round bye. (King & Adult members play for free. Knights get $10 off. Must register online. Entry fee deducted from winnings)

Sections and Prizes:
$4600 in prizes 50% guaranteed
One prize per person

Three Sections with class prizes.
(Championship 1800+) *U1800 players must pay an extra $60 to compete in this section*
• 1st -$800 2nd-$400 3rd-$200
• Expert(2000-2199): 1st -$250 2nd-$150
• Class A(1800-1999): 1st -$250 2nd-$150

(Reserve U1800) *U1200 players must pay an extra $60 to compete in this section*
• 1st -$600 2nd-$300 3rd-$200
• Class C(1400-1599): 1st -$200 2nd-$100
• Top Class D/Unrated(U1400): 1st -$200 2nd-$100

(Novice U1200)
• 1st -$400 2nd-$200 3rd-$100

Cancellation Policy: If you do not wish to participate in our tournament after paying the entry fee, please email us at no later than 24 hours in advance. We reserve the right to charge a $15 service fee for cancellations. NO refunds will be issued if we are notified of cancellation within 24 hours of the start of the event.

Contact Complete Chess ( if you have questions about this event.

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2024 Region VI Scholastic Chess Championships

Thank you for playing! Final standings are available, and the event has been rated by the USCF.

USCF rated Scholastic chess tournament on 2/17/2024  in 13 sections. Trophies, medals, and regional championships awarded. Accompanying Adult section offered.  Hosted by Complete Chess.

Visit the Complete Chess Website today to learn more!

View the Advance Entry List and Register today!


USCF rated chess tournament on February 17th in 14 RATED scholastic sections open to all Region VI players:
High School (9-12) Championship
High School (9-12) U1000
Middle School (6-8) Championship
Middle School (6-8) U1000
Middle School (6-8) U600

Elementary (K-5) Championship
Elementary (K-5) U800
Elementary (K-5) U400
Primary (K-3) Championship
Primary (K-3)  U800
Primary (K-3) U600

Primary (K-3) U400
Sprout (K-1) U600
Adult (no youth)

* Elementary sections are restricted to Elementary students. Middle School sections are restricted to Middle School students. Homeschoolers should follow traditional age guidelines, with 6th grade age players in Middle School.

If turnout for any one section is small (under 17 players), we may (or may not) merge it with another section having the same time controls and neighboring ratings or grades.


Dwight Middle School
2454 W. Southcross
San Antonio, TX 78211


This tournament is an official Texas Chess Association sanctioned event. TCA has specific guidelines on section placement. If you are unsure of which section you should choose, please read a description of the TCA guidelines.

“Under” sections are only for students meeting the rating criteria. All players who are new to tournaments are eligible for their age appropriate ‘under’ section. (Look up your player’s rating here. Please email ask your chess coach for placement information, or email the

You must have a USCF ID and your membership cannot expire before February 28, 2024.

Schedule and Round Times

Round time Championship Sections and Adult section:
• In person registration at 8:00-8:45 am if not done online.
• Rounds start promptly on Feb 17th at 9:00am, 10:15am, 11:30am 1:15pm and 3:00pm.

• Rounds 1, 2, & 3: G/30;d5
• Rounds 4, & 5: G/45;d5.

Round times for all ‘Under’ Sections (U1000,U800,U600,U400):

• In person registration at 8:00-8:45 am if not done online.
• Rounds start promptly on Feb 17th at 10:00am, 11:15am, 12:20pm, 1:00pm and 2:10pm.

• All Rounds: G/30;d5

Speed games will determine the winner if multiple perfect scores occur.


Individual or team winners of each championship section are declared the Texas Region VI champion for their respective grade group.
Individual  trophies are awarded in each advertised scholastic section, even if merged
Individual cash prizes (50% payout based on 20 entries) are awarded in the Adult section (see website for specifics).
Medals are awarded to all non-trophy players with positive scores in non-adult sections.
Team trophies are awarded separately in each section. School teams count the top four players (minimum two) in their respective sections. Exact number and division of trophies will depend on advance entries for individuals and teams.

Registration Information

Entry fee pricing is staggered and based on date of entry/payment. Onsite entries accepted, but may require a round 1 bye.

Register ONLINE today!

*January entry $30 thru 1/31/2024
* February entry $40 thru 02/16/2024
* Onsite entry $50 on  02/17/2024

Withdrawals requested via email no later than Saturday 2/10/2024 are eligible for a refund (minus a $7 processing and transaction fee).

One 1/2-point available for any round if notified before Round 2 is paired. Further byes receive 0-points. No last round byes. Email to make changes to your requested byes.


Contact Complete Chess ( with any questions.

Organized by Complete Chess.

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2023 Texas Action Championship

Innovative Chess Solutions is hosting the 2023 Texas Action Championship in  Waco!  This is a USCF dual-rated swiss chess tournament on July 22, 2023 open to all chess players. There will be 5 rounds offered, all in one day. Fifteen grand prix points (Enhanced) will be awarded in the Open section.

Waco Convention Center
100 Washington Ave
Waco, TX 76701


Time Control:
● ALL sections
  are 5SS
ALL sections are G/30, d5.

● Saturday July 22, 2023
● Blitz (optional side event): 9am – 9:50am (separate registration)
● Round 1: 10:00-11:00am
● Round 2: 11:15am-12:15pm
● Lunch Break
● Round 3: 1:00-2:00pm
● Round 4: 2:15-3:15pm
● Round 5: 3:30-4:30pm
There is no awards ceremony.

● For the Open, $38 by 5/20; $50
by 6/17; $55 by 7/15; and $65 thereafter.
● For the under sections, $28 by 5/20; $35 by 6/17;
$40 by 7/15; and $50 thereafter.
● 4SS G/5 Blitz $10 (50% of entry fees returned as prizes)

● Open to children and adults
● USCF membership required
● TCA membership required

Register online
● Please remember: USCF and TCA memberships are required

Open section: $500 for first place, $150 for second place and $50 for third place, all of which is unconditionally guaranteed.
● All other sections:
$200 for first place, $75 for second place and $25 for third place, with the prizes in each under section being proportionally reduced if less than thirty paid entries (net of refunds) are received for such section.

Please visit the organizer’s website and eventbrite registration page for all other information!