
Paragon Prep January 2025 Scholastic Registration

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $45.00.

An in person, 5 round USCF dual-rated chess tournament taking place on Saturday, January 25, 2025 for scholastic chess players rated under 1000.

View the tournament details before you register!


K-3 U400
This section is for our youngest players who are newest to tournament chess.  Players must be in 3rd grade or younger.  All brand new players are welcome.  Players with any tournament experience must be rated below 400. USCF ID required.

K-5 U600
This section is for Elementary students who are relatively new to tournament chess.  Players must be in Elementary school (including 6th graders who attend an elementary school).  All brand new players are welcome and new 4th and 5th graders should consider playing in this section.  Experienced players must be rated below 600. USCF membership required.

K-5 U1000
This section, aimed at more experienced Elementary players, is open to any player who attends an Elementary school and is rated below 1000. USCF membership required.

6-12 U600
This section is for Middle School or High School students who are relatively new to tournament chess. (Homeschooled 6th graders play in one of the 6-12 sections.)  All brand new players are welcome.  Experienced players must be rated below 600. USCF membership required.

6-12 U1000
This section is for Middle School or High School students who are more experienced at tournament chess. (Homeschooled 6th graders play in one of the 6-12 sections.)  All brand new players are welcome.  Experienced players must be rated below 1000. USCF membership required.

K-12 Elite
This section, aimed at the most experienced players is found with the Open Section registration. USCF membership required.

Team trophies are awarded in each section, and determined by school or affiliated homeschool group. Please type the name of the school you attend. For example: NYOS Charter School

Many similar school names exist in multiple cities. Please provide the city or town name in which your school/homeschool group is located (not necessarily where you live!)

The refund policy is outlined clearly on the tournament description page. Exceptions will not be granted.

Basic tournament communications are an important part of a successful event. By purchasing this registration you agreeing to receive information regarding this event via email.

Registrant Info

Verify your USCF membership ID and expiration by visiting USCF’s Member Services Area. You may purchase a new USCF membership or renew yours here at any time before completing your payment on ACT. If you are purchasing a new USCF membership (or requesting a JTP ID) with your order, please enter 99999999 in the USCF ID field when registering for your tournament section.

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